*grading parameters & discounts for all grains are subject to change at any time and without notice*

A Plus

SRW         wheat

*Ganaraska Grain will NOT be accepting wheat treated w/Manipulator*

  • Grading according to Canadian Grain Commission Standards
  • Grade discounts are subject to change per crop conditions
  • Wheat Parameters; Max moisture before shrink & drying - 14.0%
  • Sprout Damage Analysis discounts may apply; sprout percentage and falling number.
  • All wheat grading CGC #2 to be sound milling quality, 250 Falling Number or higher.
  • Wheat testing below 250 Falling Number is subject to rejection or discount.
  • Testing for Falling Number will be done on a random basis at the beginning of deliveries.  If Falling Number is low on initial samples then testing may be done on additional or all samples.


Grade Discount

Grade 2 2 $0/T
Grade 3 3 $10/T
Grade 4 Feed $30/T
Grade 5* Sample $50/T

*May be accepted at the discretion of the elevator


Sprout % Discount

0.0 - 2.5 Grade 2
2.6 - 5.0 Grade 3
5.1 - 8.0 Grade 4
8.1 +* Grade 5

*May be accepted at the discretion of the elevator


Fusarium % Discount

0.0 - 1.0 Grade 2
1.1 - 1.5 Grade 3
1.6 - 5.0 Grade 4
5.1 +* Grade 5

 *May be accepted at the discretion of the elevator


Falling Number Discount

250 + $0/T
225 - 249 $30/T
000 - 224 $50/T


CGC Grain Grading Guide SRW AUG 2023

OABA Updated Code of Practice 2022


  • Grading according to Canadian Grain Commission Standards.
  • Grade discounts are subject to change per crop conditions.


Grade Discounts

Grade 2 No Discounts
Grade 3 $2.00/MT
Grade 4 $10.00/MT
Grade 5 $15.00/MT

*If grade 5 standard is no met, SAMPLE GRADE discount will apply at $30.00/MT*


Green/Damaged Discount

15.1% to 20.0% $18.00/MT
20.1% to 25.0% $23.00/MT
25.1% to 30.0% $30.00/MT


Bean Parameters

Max Moisutre before Shrink 13.0%
Max Heated 0.5%
Max FM - other grains 2.0%


CGC Grain Grading Guide SOYS AUG 2023

OABA Code of Practice Additional Agreement 2022


  • Grading according to Canadian Grain Commission Standards.
  • Grade discounts are subject to change per crop conditions.
  • VOM discounts to be posted as determine.  Subject to change throughout harvest.


Grade Discounts

Grade 2 No Discounts
Grade 3 $2.00/MT
Grade 4 $10.00/MT
Grade 5 $15.00/MT

 *If grade 5 standard is not met, SAMPLE GRADE discount will apply at $30.00/MT*


Corn Parameters

Maximum Moisture before Drying & Shrink 15.5%


CGC Grain Grading Guide CORN AUG 2023

OABA Updated Code of Practice 2022